Jun 20, 2009

How to trust Country Signing Certificates

I've collected a number of country signing (public key) certificates of different ePassport issuing countries who have put their certificates online. Most of these were brought to my attention by Google's alert service.

The global ICAO PKI for signing ePassports is actually a forrest of many national PKIs. And each national PKI is only 2 levels deep (depending on where you start counting):
  • CSCA: Country Signing Certificate Authority
  • DSCA: Document Signing Certificate Authority
  • AA: Active Authentication "certificate" (which really is not part of the PKI, as this is not a certificate but a raw public key, signed implicitly in the security document of the ePassport)
All of this becomes more complex now that we are moving towards Extended Access Control, but the fact remains that the lack of a central trusted CA makes it difficult to bootstrap trust. ICAO has proposed two alternatives:
  • The central ICAO Public Key Directory (PKD)
  • Country cross signing of CSCs
The first alternative is really an online facility which issues claims about (document) signers. The usual drawbacks apply: single point of failure, cost of maintaining infrastructure, etc. The second alternative involves having each country (or at least as many countries as possible) sign each other's certificates.

Is it possible to have a central CA instead? Some of the government Web sites where I (or rather, Google) found the CSCA certificates are protected using SSL, at least the Dutch site is (yes, I know, the certificate has expired, but I downloaded the CSCA certificate before the expiration date of the server certificate). I could have recorded the SSL transaction while downloading that CSCA certificate and I could have made that part of the CSCA certificate itself. Unfortunately, the commercial CA (in this case Verisign) which signed the server key doesn't make claims about the validity of certificate files hosted at protected servers. Sometimes the Web is just not semantic enough.

Update (July 2009): The certificate of bprbzk.nl was renewed.

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